Saturday, July 18, 2009
Baby Love
It's been a while since there has been a little tiny baby in my family. That all changed July 2nd! My cousin had another little baby boy. Alexander is such a little peanut. I could hold him and snuggle with him all day. Some of the photos feature baby shower cookies I did for a "snow-themed" shower and the blue onesies are from my cousin's shower this past June. Somebody please have a girl...all I have done are baby boy cookies!

Ian turns 4!
My nephew turned 4 this past April. And once again, I don't get how time has passed and how big he is! He sure is an adorable little guy. Ian lives in Minnesota, so Ryan and I traveled up there to celebrate him turning 4! And what kind of aunt would I be if I didn't bring him cookies! Ian had his party at House of Bounce and I think the adults had just as much of a blast as the kids did. Happy Birthday, Ian! Hope you had a great one, buddy!

Happy Birthday, Jeremy!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Adeia!
Our friends little girl turned 2 in March! I can't believe how big she is! Addie has to be one of the cutest, smartest and funniest little kids out there! For her 1st birthday I made her cookies. This year I decided to make her a cake. And it was sewious! She loves Wonder Pets, so I couldn't resist to do a cake for her! She loved it for the design, and the adults loved it for the taste, so overall that's all I could ask for!
Playing Catch Up!
I know, I know. It's been months since I've put anything up here. Prepare for a picture blitz of cookies and cakes that I've worked on for the past 6 months. Enjoy!
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